Sustainable Practices at Maine's Reed Forest

We’re partnering with Apple Inc. to protect 36,000 acres of working forest in the eastern United States — including the Reed Forest in Maine.

Forests dominate Maine’s landscape, blanketing 90% of the state and coloring every aspect of its identity. These forests are the lifeblood of local wildlife, communities and economies. The forests of Maine shelter moose, bears and the largest population of native brook trout in the Lower 48 states. They also support a robust forest products industry employing more than 38,000 people and attract tens of thousands of anglers, hikers, hunters, kayakers, skiers, mountain bikers, bird-watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts each year — all of which contributes more than $3 billion to the state’s economy.

Saving Maine’s Forests

In a precedent-setting initiative to protect U.S. working forests, Apple is working to protect — and create — as much sustainable working forest as is needed to produce the paper in its product packaging. Apple is partnering with The Conservation Fund’s Working Forests to permanently protect more than 36,000 acres of working forest in the eastern United States, including Reed Forest in Maine. This conservation effort prevents forest fragmentation, addresses climate change, filters water for communities downstream and provides a steady supply of sustainably harvested timber to paper and pulp mills.

A purple, orange and yellow sunset reflects along a river with lush, green trees surrounding
Photo credit: Jerry Monkman

In Maine, we’re protecting more than 32,400 acres of forest, including wetlands and upland forest that are important for numerous wildlife species in the state’s iconic North Woods. This project adds to more than a million acres of conserved lands and interconnected forest habitat that stretch into Canada. TCF is working with the Forest Society of Maine to better understand the natural resource attributes of this forestland. Some of the special features identified on the property include habitat for wood turtles, elusive Canada lynx and two species of mussel, along with the important riparian areas associated with the Mattawamkeag River.

In November 2016, with support from Apple, TCF donated a conservation easement at Reed Forest to the Forest Society of Maine. Through an endowment made possible by Apple, we can help ensure that the forest and its many contributions to Maine’s environment and economy remain intact for generations to come.

Why This Project Matters

Changes in the forestry industry have left millions of acres of forestland across the country up for sale with an uncertain fate. But by forging innovative partnerships and finding creative solutions, we’re turning this into an unprecedented opportunity for landscape-level conservation. We’re not just conserving forests, we’re preserving a way of life for communities that depend on the forest-based economy for their livelihoods.

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Photo credits (from top of page): Jerry Monkman

Project Staff

Evan Smith
Senior Vice President, Conservation Ventures

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