2023 Annual Report

From Our Chair and CEO

Land Sustains Us

It gives us the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the materials that clothe and shelter us and provides us with millions of jobs and benefits to our communities. The Conservation Fund is committed to the land that provides for us all, protecting America’s natural heritage and enhancing the economic and community benefits the land provides.

Theodore Roosevelt, the father of modern American conservation, famously said more than a century ago: “Conservation means development as much as it does protection.” In the ensuing decades, many came to see environmental protection and economic development as conflicting goals, but we have always understood that they are compatible. In fact, in today’s era of enormous environmental and economic challenges, they are inseparable.

We were founded on the belief that conservation and economic development go hand in hand. As we reflect on 2023 and look ahead to our 40th anniversary in 2025, our vision for conservation is ambitious, unifying and grounded in the knowledge of an incredible track record built over decades of working alongside communities, farmers, foresters and businesses to benefit all Americans.

By approaching conservation in a new way, it can unite Americans rather than divide. Conservation is advancing America through the protection of special places, securing working farms and forests and providing for communities. Conservation is connecting America — protecting large landscapes and migration corridors and opening the way for the infrastructure and transmission capacity needed to secure a clean energy future. And finally, conservation is bringing us together — rural or urban, farmer or forester. Conservation is for all Americans because land sustains us all.

Conservation is indispensable for bringing the nation together to tackle our most urgent challenges. To address climate change, we need to build a vast, clean energy infrastructure. To balance the land that infrastructure requires, we will need to protect additional land that will, in turn, protect wildlife habitat and help slow the crisis of unprecedented biodiversity loss. To keep America’s large forests intact, we will need to promote sustainable forestry and outdoor recreation opportunities. To secure a sustainable future, we need to preserve local farms and create opportunities for a new generation of farmers.

TCF had an outstanding year in 2023, continuing to advance our vision of conservation and economic development working hand in hand. We protected land across the United States, from urban parks to vast forests to mountaintops. Our working lands initiatives — Working Forests and Working Farms — reached important milestones. We escalated our work to preserve America’s endangered historic and cultural treasures. We also kept our focus on promoting economic opportunity and vibrant communities in everything we do.

As the scale of the challenges ahead becomes clearer, The Conservation Fund has huge opportunities to apply our experience, expertise and unique perspective and approach to tackling them. Our new logo, which we’re thrilled to unveil in this annual report, represents this unique perspective. The icon’s three elements represent our past, present and future. They also represent our priorities: land, communities and climate. The line between the elements represents the connections between them all.

Thank you to TCF’s outstanding team of professionals and all our partners and supporters. We are advancing America and connecting America through conservation because of your support. We look forward to working together to sustain the land that sustains us all for years to come.



Background Video

2023 Highlights

new projects in
 35 states
acres protected
valued at $244M+
acres of lands returned to tribal communities
from individuals, foundations
 & corporations

Sustaining Land

The Conservation Fund protected over 120,000 acres of land in 2023. That’s the equivalent of conserving an area as large as Arlington County, Virginia — where TCF is based — every seven weeks.

But land conservation isn’t just about acres. Land is America’s most important natural resource. It cleans our air and water. It supports our abundance of wildlife and unique biodiversity. It provides jobs and opportunities for recreation. It nourishes our bodies and our souls. Without The Conservation Fund’s work, that precious resource would be lost to fragmentation, subdivision for housing developments or conversion into strip malls and parking lots.

We work with government entities, community organizations and private partners in all 50 states to protect land for all of us. Our unique model lets us acquire threatened land quickly, create a conservation solution, transfer it to a permanent owner, then use the funds again for more projects.

Connecting People and Nature at 14,000 Feet

Dazzling Mountain scenery is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Colorado. The crown jewels of the Colorado Rockies are the state’s fourteeners  — peaks topping 14,000 feet.

Sustaining Communities

From downtown Chicago to rural West Virginia, and everywhere in between, quality of life is intertwined with the land. Conserving land creates places to play and commune with nature and enjoy the outdoors. It helps urban and rural communities build resilience against natural disasters and the impacts of climate change. It preserves historic sites that tell the story of America’s journey. And it sustains our farming heritage, connecting communities to local food.

The Conservation Fund works in communities across the nation helping build parks and trails, restoring and protecting landmarks, preserving threatened farmland and providing financial and other support to local groups doing the hard work on the ground. Conservation isn’t just about nature. It’s also about making communities stronger and enriching the lives of the people who live in them.

Investing in the Next Generation of Farmers

America’s small farms are disappearing. Every hour, 40 acres of farmland is lost to development. The losses are especially serious near cities.

Connecting Americans to History & Heritage

Conservation protects more than America’s natural treasures. It protects our rich historical heritage as well. African American history is a central part of that heritage — and many historic sites that tell the story of the African American journey are at risk of being lost through neglect or a lack of resources to preserve them.

One of these special areas is Alabama’s Black Belt. Named for its dark, nutrient-rich soil, the region stretches across the south-central portion of the state. The fertile soil made the Black Belt a center for cotton production using enslaved people before the Civil War. A century later in the 1950s and 1960s, Black Belt cities such as Marion, Selma and Montgomery, and the surrounding rural communities, were home to some of the central events and people of the Civil Rights movement.

TCF’s work with partners and communities nationwide to protect historic sites preserves America’s heritage, brings visitors and investment to rural and urban areas, and ensures future generations will have the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of past generations.

Learn More

Sustaining Economic Opportunities

The Conservation Fund works at the intersection of conservation and economic development because protecting land and promoting economic opportunity aren’t just compatible — they are interdependent. This is especially true in America’s rural communities, where preserving and activating the economic potential of wild places and forests is a key to prosperity.

Land conservation also opens a sustainable path for building the infrastructure needed to support the 21st century economy. Generating and transmitting the energy America will need in the decades ahead to power growth while addressing our climate challenges will require vast amounts of land. Success will depend on pairing infrastructure construction with an equally ambitious conservation effort that will ensure America’s wild places and biodiversity can flourish.

Jobs, Climate and Nature

Protecting the vast forests that provide critical habitat for most of our wild species and help combat climate change has always been one of our priorities.

Sustaining Economic Tomorrow

The Conservation Fund’s work has always reflected a dual mission. Nature and people. Environment and economic opportunity. Conservation and community. Building on that dual mission is now more important than ever.

The United States and the world are facing immense challenges — from climate change to an unprecedented loss of species and wildlife habitat to sustaining standards of living and quality of life in rural and urban communities alike. It is impossible to tackle these challenges in isolation; they are interrelated, and their solutions are interdependent.

As the challenges grow in the years ahead, we will be growing to meet them. We are working with our government and private sector partners and our fellow nonprofits to identify critical needs and implement conservation solutions that advance all our goals. We are also building innovative new financial tools and other initiatives to scale our proven model and deliver even more impact, for nature, the economy, communities and climate.

We are proud of everything we were able to accomplish in 2023 and the years before.

We thank the many organizations and individuals who have joined us as partners on this journey. All we have accomplished — and all we plan to accomplish in the critical years ahead — is only possible with your support.

Nearly 9 Million Acres Protected

From Our Chief Financial Officer

I am pleased to report that 2023 was another great year for The Conservation Fund, in terms of both mission impact and our ability to generate sustainable financial results. In fact, 2023 was our fourth year of record revenues, up 3 percent year over year. We achieved this growth through continued strong program activity for land conservation and completion of more large projects but also through our focus and discipline recycling our internal capital as efficiently as possible. Our big challenge — and opportunity — is the urgent need to conserve more critical lands and scale up our work well beyond what our existing resources can support.

To meet that challenge, we are expanding our fundraising efforts for both philanthropy and impact capital. Building upon the success of our Green Bonds a few years ago, we have established five joint ventures with family offices and foundations to coinvest in some of our largest projects based upon a simple premise: If a coinvestor/funder can help us acquire and conserve additional at-risk properties and landscapes, TCF will return capital and share any financial surplus with them once the projects are completed. And by leveraging our proven business model and incredible staff, we can create unique opportunities for funders using new impact investment instruments to drive permanent impact for climate, nature and healthy communities on a sustainable basis that would otherwise not be possible without their financial support — a direct line of sight to specific impact with low financial risk.

The scale of the conservation challenges we face requires mobilizing every possible resource to meet them. Additional philanthropy will be critical to realizing our vision, but we will also accelerate our impact by continuing to innovate new ways of engaging donor advised funds, family offices, asset managers and corporations to help us protect the lands that matter most. We welcome you to join us on this journey.

Thank you for all your support.





Our Team

We bring together experts from across the country who bring their unique skills, perspectives, and passions to our organization to fuel our conservation work.

Our Supporters

Testimonial Background Image

From wetlands in Wisconsin, caves in South Dakota, to a ranch in Hawaii — the list of TCF’s projects that benefit habitat and humans in the United States is endless because, as their mission states, they create innovative conservation solutions.”

Deb Carey


Estate Gifts

Joanne M. Ball 

Mark D. Barrows 

June M. Clase 

Elmer J. Dreher 

Douglas I. Evans 

Thomas Ryan 

Fay E. Tolman 

Amelia H. Weber 


$1 Million +

Anonymous (3) 

The Allerton Foundation 

Holdfast Collective 

Jefferson Barracks Marine Service 

The JPB Foundation 

Knobloch Family Foundation 

Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. 

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 

Richard King Mellon Foundation 

Brad and Shelli Stanback 

Fred and Alice Stanback Jr. 

Wildlife Conservation Network 

WoodNext Foundation 


$500,000 – $999,999 


BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation 

Capital Region Land Conservancy 

Mark Dexter and Deborah Cowley 

The Duke Endowment 

EJK Foundation 

William B. Harrison 

Mysun Charitable Foundation 

Timothy D. Sweeney 

U-Haul International 

William Josef Foundation 

World Wildlife Fund 

W.R. Holdings LLC 


$100,000 – $499,999 

Anonymous (5) 

Brunckhorst Foundation 

Bunting Family Foundation 

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation 

Cloonlara-Hughes Partnership LLLP 

Dogwood Health Trust 

The Dow Chemical Co. 

Felburn Foundation 

Donald Ferlow 

Gallogly Family Foundation 

Jean McBride Greene 

Head and Heart Foundation 

Heart of the Rockies 

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation 

Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation 

Imperiled Bat Conservation Fund 

Dave H. Johnston 

Craig Lombard 

Mary Catherine Bunting Foundation 

Morrough Obrien Living Trust 

Thruston Morton III and Patricia Morton 

The Nature Conservancy 

The Nature Conservancy of Indiana 

Oak Foundation 

Oregon Community Foundation 

Partnership for Inclusive Innovation 

Rasmuson Foundation 

Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust 

Sewell Partners LLC 

Robert and Elizabeth Shaw 

Shell Oil Co. 

Stifler Family Foundation 

Surdna Foundation 

TennGreen Land Conservancy 

Virginia Outdoors Foundation 

Richard W. and Martha G. Wagner

Smith Reynolds Foundation

ZYN Cares Fund 

$50,000 – $99,999 

Anonymous (4) 

Thomas M. Belk Jr. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kenton R. Brown 

Charles Reed Cherington and Ashley S. Pettus 

Common Market Philadelphia 

C&S Wholesale Grocers 

Roderick H. and Verena B. Cushman 

Fair Play Foundation 

Wendy L. Garthwaite 

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation 

James and Lauren Whitehurst Family Charitable Trust 

Suzie and Bruce Kovner 

LuluMa Foundation 

Lux Foundation Inc. 

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation 

Silverberry LLC 

The Spurlino Foundation 

SVPR Holdings LLC 

Daniel and Sheryl Tishman 

Trott Family Philanthropies 

David and Rachel Weidman 


$10,000 – $49,999 

Anonymous (7) 

America’s Charities 

Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation 

David H. Anderson 

Pete and Elizabeth Anthony 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy 

Michael and Susan Arneson 

ATL Airport Chamber of Commerce 

Anne H. Averett 

Julie G. Barker 

Riley and Susan Bechtel 

Roger A. Bell 

Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation 

James Bodner and Victoria Greenfield 

Christina A. Boothe and Paul D. Kazilionis 

The BPB and HBB Foundation 


Dinah Buechner-Vischer 

The Cannon Foundation Inc. 

Eric L. Carlton 

Todd and Susan Carter 

Gordon Chaffee and Nancy Kedzierski 

Jean L. Churchman 

Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 

ConocoPhillips Alaska 

Laurie and Brian Conroy 

Cox Foundation 

Gordon S. Crabtree 

Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation 

Danem Foundation 

David and Diana Andrews Foundation 

Deborah K. Heebner Fund of the Alaska Community Foundation 

Warren Dickinson 

Nick And Martina Dilks 

Robert and Jennifer Dix 

Earl M. and Margery C. Chapman Foundation 

Marshall Field V 

John & Weezie Gates Charitable Trust  

Genesis Energy 

George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation 

Russell Goldenberg 

Robert S. and Gail K. Green 

Guardians of Martin County Inc. 

Paul Hagen and Christine Jahnke 

Harold and Kate Reed Family Foundation 

Vaughan H. Hedrick 

Jennifer L. Hernandez 

Margaret M. Hixon 

HM Life Insurance Co. 

Christian G. Hooper 

John Huddleston and Suzanne Potente 

Wilson and Nancy Hughes 

$10,000 – $49,999 

IMC Foundation – Amsterdam 

Jacobs Joint Venture 

David Jenkins 

Jupiter Island Historical Society 

Stan R. Justice 

The Kay Family Foundation 

Lorraine Kayser 

John L. Keane 

Mavis P. and Wendy W. Kelsey 

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation 

The Konar Family 

Mrs. Nicholas Lapham 

Leibowitz Family Foundation 

Louden Family Foundation 

James and Karen MacFarland 

Kenzie MacIsaac 

Mahoosuc Land Trust 

Maine Mountain Collaborative 

Judith Mancheski 

Mark and Sally Egan Foundation 

Barry Martin and Lee Nettke-Martin 

The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation Inc. 

The McCausland Foundation 

William McClure 

Greg McCourt 

Edmund and Pam McIlhenny 

Marian Brownlee S. McKee 

Ruth C. Mead 

The Miller Family Trust 

Peter C. and Martha F. Morse 

MTE Fund 

MZ Wallace 

The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation 

National Fuel Gas Co. 

National Park Foundation 

Donald Newcomb 

The Nicholls Biondi Foundation 

Nivin and Duncan MacMillan Foundation 

Overhills Foundation 

Barbara E. Parish and Gary Roberts 

Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation 

Bonnie Pence 

Marca van Ogtrop Piehuta 

Pigeon River Fund 

Ronald W. Plank 

Chase Raines 

Scott and Genie Randell 

Robert D. Rands 

Joshua Ratner and Hannah Koenker 

Regenerative Agriculture Foundation 

R.K. Mellon Family Foundation 

The Robertson Foundation 

Decker and Jessica Rolph 

Sacharuna Foundation 

Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust 

Eleanor R. Seaman 

S.D. Trombetta Foundation 

Shield-Ayres Foundation 

Siebenthaler Foundation 

Silver Bay Seafoods 

Mary Ellen Stachnik 

Gary Steinhafel and Jocelyn Servick 

The Stokes Family 

John and Suzanne Strawbridge 

Sid and Pam Suggs, Suggs Family Foundation 

The Taheri Foundation 

TC Energy – U.S. Liquids Operations 

Owen D. and Jennifer B. Thomas 

TIF Foundation Fund 

Tillotson-Menlo Charitable Foundation 

Tim and Karen Hixon Foundation 

T.L.L. Temple Foundation 

Paul J. Volpe 

Jay and Sue Wagley 

Wallace Genetic Foundation 

Wells Fargo Foundation 

Winkler Family Foundation 

Chris and Lisa Young 

$5,000 – $9,999 

Anonymous (3)  

Alnor Oil Co. Inc. 

Debbie J. Bailly 

Stephen and Ann Bartram 

John R. Baylor 

Sabin and Gladys Bernstein 

Robert F. Bonnie 

Elizabeth S. Bowles 

Winifred Breines 

Brownington Foundation 

Stanley D. and Susan B. Casto

Storey Charbonnet

Amit Chowdhary 

Bill Chudd and Gretchen Hoffmann 

Joe Clark 

Karen A. Cohn 

Ruth M. Colket 

Consumers Energy Co. 

Kimberlee S. Cornett 

Theiline W. Cramer 

Alex Crumbley 

Curlew Castings LLC 

Judy Danish and Miles Greenbaum 

Pam Davis 

Dell Technologies 

Marcy W. Elsbree 

Douglas I. Evans 

Lawrence and Stephanie Flinn 

Richard Frisbie 

Mitchell Goetze 

David Harrison and Joyce Millen 

M.E. Harrison 

Clarice P. Hayes 

Todd W. Hoffman

Diane Holm

Jean M. Howard 

Jane M. Hughes 

LouAnn Jacobson and Robert Ball 

John Johns and Nancy Dunlap 

Andrew Karellas 

John and Judith Keller 

Kristen LaCroix 

James H. Lemon Jr. 

Donald L. Lendle 

Live Oak Foundation 

Philip and Carol Lyons 

John W. Madigan 

Joe and Darlene Marushack 

Mrs. William C. Miller IV 

Philip and Linda Myers 

Naylor Family Foundation 

NobleLight Foundation 

Robert Pakko 

Sally Pian and Ira Silverman 

Martin and Elizabeth Presler-Marshall 

Jacqueline Ratner 

Barbara Reece 

William and Vina Riley 

Inga H. Robbins 

Jeffrey Robins and Mai Yee 

Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund 

Robert Rothhouse 

Robert and Louise Sanborn 

Peter and Lisa Schiff 

SEAT Planners 

John Albert Severson

LaVerne Smith and Rick Trois

Robert and Joanne Solem 

Leslie Spencer 

Debbie Spoehel 

Phillip Stauble 

Strausman Family Fund Inc. 

Thomas and Elizabeth Stults 

Don Swenholt and Kristina Harper 

Triangle Community Foundation 

Becky Tucker 

Underwood Conservation District 

Amanda and Max van Adrichem 

Virginia’s United Land Trusts 

David and Ellen Wagner 

Glen A. Westenskow 

Michael and Leslie Whalen 

Michael Whitehill 

Jay and Louisa Winthrop 

Ryan Wise and Leslie Brunner 

Thomas F. Yohe 

Barbara Young and Carol Bowman 

Estate Gifts

Joanne M. Ball 

Mark D. Barrows 

June M. Clase 

Elmer J. Dreher 

Douglas I. Evans 

Thomas Ryan 

Fay E. Tolman 

Amelia H. Weber 


$1 Million +

Anonymous (3) 

The Allerton Foundation 

Holdfast Collective 

Jefferson Barracks Marine Service 

The JPB Foundation 

Knobloch Family Foundation 

Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. 

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 

Richard King Mellon Foundation 

Brad and Shelli Stanback 

Fred and Alice Stanback Jr. 

Wildlife Conservation Network 

WoodNext Foundation 


$500,000 – $999,999 


BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation 

Capital Region Land Conservancy 

Mark Dexter and Deborah Cowley 

The Duke Endowment 

EJK Foundation 

William B. Harrison 

Mysun Charitable Foundation 

Timothy D. Sweeney 

U-Haul International 

William Josef Foundation 

World Wildlife Fund 

W.R. Holdings LLC 


$100,000 – $499,999 

Anonymous (5) 

Brunckhorst Foundation 

Bunting Family Foundation 

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation 

Cloonlara-Hughes Partnership LLLP 

Dogwood Health Trust 

The Dow Chemical Co. 

Felburn Foundation 

Donald Ferlow 

Gallogly Family Foundation 

Jean McBride Greene 

Head and Heart Foundation 

Heart of the Rockies 

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation 

Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation 

Imperiled Bat Conservation Fund 

Dave H. Johnston 

Craig Lombard 

Mary Catherine Bunting Foundation 

Morrough Obrien Living Trust 

Thruston Morton III and Patricia Morton 

The Nature Conservancy 

The Nature Conservancy of Indiana 

Oak Foundation 

Oregon Community Foundation 

Partnership for Inclusive Innovation 

Rasmuson Foundation 

Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust 

Sewell Partners LLC 

Robert and Elizabeth Shaw 

Shell Oil Co. 

Stifler Family Foundation 

Surdna Foundation 

TennGreen Land Conservancy 

Virginia Outdoors Foundation 

Richard W. and Martha G. Wagner

Smith Reynolds Foundation

ZYN Cares Fund 

$50,000 – $99,999 

Anonymous (4) 

Thomas M. Belk Jr. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kenton R. Brown 

Charles Reed Cherington and Ashley S. Pettus 

Common Market Philadelphia 

C&S Wholesale Grocers 

Roderick H. and Verena B. Cushman 

Fair Play Foundation 

Wendy L. Garthwaite 

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation 

James and Lauren Whitehurst Family Charitable Trust 

Suzie and Bruce Kovner 

LuluMa Foundation 

Lux Foundation Inc. 

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation 

Silverberry LLC 

The Spurlino Foundation 

SVPR Holdings LLC 

Daniel and Sheryl Tishman 

Trott Family Philanthropies 

David and Rachel Weidman 


$10,000 – $49,999 

Anonymous (7) 

America’s Charities 

Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation 

David H. Anderson 

Pete and Elizabeth Anthony 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy 

Michael and Susan Arneson 

ATL Airport Chamber of Commerce 

Anne H. Averett 

Julie G. Barker 

Riley and Susan Bechtel 

Roger A. Bell 

Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation 

James Bodner and Victoria Greenfield 

Christina A. Boothe and Paul D. Kazilionis 

The BPB and HBB Foundation 


Dinah Buechner-Vischer 

The Cannon Foundation Inc. 

Eric L. Carlton 

Todd and Susan Carter 

Gordon Chaffee and Nancy Kedzierski 

Jean L. Churchman 

Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 

ConocoPhillips Alaska 

Laurie and Brian Conroy 

Cox Foundation 

Gordon S. Crabtree 

Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation 

Danem Foundation 

David and Diana Andrews Foundation 

Deborah K. Heebner Fund of the Alaska Community Foundation 

Warren Dickinson 

Nick And Martina Dilks 

Robert and Jennifer Dix 

Earl M. and Margery C. Chapman Foundation 

Marshall Field V 

John & Weezie Gates Charitable Trust  

Genesis Energy 

George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation 

Russell Goldenberg 

Robert S. and Gail K. Green 

Guardians of Martin County Inc. 

Paul Hagen and Christine Jahnke 

Harold and Kate Reed Family Foundation 

Vaughan H. Hedrick 

Jennifer L. Hernandez 

Margaret M. Hixon 

HM Life Insurance Co. 

Christian G. Hooper 

John Huddleston and Suzanne Potente 

Wilson and Nancy Hughes 

$10,000 – $49,999 

IMC Foundation – Amsterdam 

Jacobs Joint Venture 

David Jenkins 

Jupiter Island Historical Society 

Stan R. Justice 

The Kay Family Foundation 

Lorraine Kayser 

John L. Keane 

Mavis P. and Wendy W. Kelsey 

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation 

The Konar Family 

Mrs. Nicholas Lapham 

Leibowitz Family Foundation 

Louden Family Foundation 

James and Karen MacFarland 

Kenzie MacIsaac 

Mahoosuc Land Trust 

Maine Mountain Collaborative 

Judith Mancheski 

Mark and Sally Egan Foundation 

Barry Martin and Lee Nettke-Martin 

The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation Inc. 

The McCausland Foundation 

William McClure 

Greg McCourt 

Edmund and Pam McIlhenny 

Marian Brownlee S. McKee 

Ruth C. Mead 

The Miller Family Trust 

Peter C. and Martha F. Morse 

MTE Fund 

MZ Wallace 

The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation 

National Fuel Gas Co. 

National Park Foundation 

Donald Newcomb 

The Nicholls Biondi Foundation 

Nivin and Duncan MacMillan Foundation 

Overhills Foundation 

Barbara E. Parish and Gary Roberts 

Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation 

Bonnie Pence 

Marca van Ogtrop Piehuta 

Pigeon River Fund 

Ronald W. Plank 

Chase Raines 

Scott and Genie Randell 

Robert D. Rands 

Joshua Ratner and Hannah Koenker 

Regenerative Agriculture Foundation 

R.K. Mellon Family Foundation 

The Robertson Foundation 

Decker and Jessica Rolph 

Sacharuna Foundation 

Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust 

Eleanor R. Seaman 

S.D. Trombetta Foundation 

Shield-Ayres Foundation 

Siebenthaler Foundation 

Silver Bay Seafoods 

Mary Ellen Stachnik 

Gary Steinhafel and Jocelyn Servick 

The Stokes Family 

John and Suzanne Strawbridge 

Sid and Pam Suggs, Suggs Family Foundation 

The Taheri Foundation 

TC Energy – U.S. Liquids Operations 

Owen D. and Jennifer B. Thomas 

TIF Foundation Fund 

Tillotson-Menlo Charitable Foundation 

Tim and Karen Hixon Foundation 

T.L.L. Temple Foundation 

Paul J. Volpe 

Jay and Sue Wagley 

Wallace Genetic Foundation 

Wells Fargo Foundation 

Winkler Family Foundation 

Chris and Lisa Young 

$5,000 – $9,999 

Anonymous (3)  

Alnor Oil Co. Inc. 

Debbie J. Bailly 

Stephen and Ann Bartram 

John R. Baylor 

Sabin and Gladys Bernstein 

Robert F. Bonnie 

Elizabeth S. Bowles 

Winifred Breines 

Brownington Foundation 

Stanley D. and Susan B. Casto

Storey Charbonnet

Amit Chowdhary 

Bill Chudd and Gretchen Hoffmann 

Joe Clark 

Karen A. Cohn 

Ruth M. Colket 

Consumers Energy Co. 

Kimberlee S. Cornett 

Theiline W. Cramer 

Alex Crumbley 

Curlew Castings LLC 

Judy Danish and Miles Greenbaum 

Pam Davis 

Dell Technologies 

Marcy W. Elsbree 

Douglas I. Evans 

Lawrence and Stephanie Flinn 

Richard Frisbie 

Mitchell Goetze 

David Harrison and Joyce Millen 

M.E. Harrison 

Clarice P. Hayes 

Todd W. Hoffman

Diane Holm

Jean M. Howard 

Jane M. Hughes 

LouAnn Jacobson and Robert Ball 

John Johns and Nancy Dunlap 

Andrew Karellas 

John and Judith Keller 

Kristen LaCroix 

James H. Lemon Jr. 

Donald L. Lendle 

Live Oak Foundation 

Philip and Carol Lyons 

John W. Madigan 

Joe and Darlene Marushack 

Mrs. William C. Miller IV 

Philip and Linda Myers 

Naylor Family Foundation 

NobleLight Foundation 

Robert Pakko 

Sally Pian and Ira Silverman 

Martin and Elizabeth Presler-Marshall 

Jacqueline Ratner 

Barbara Reece 

William and Vina Riley 

Inga H. Robbins 

Jeffrey Robins and Mai Yee 

Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund 

Robert Rothhouse 

Robert and Louise Sanborn 

Peter and Lisa Schiff 

SEAT Planners 

John Albert Severson

LaVerne Smith and Rick Trois

Robert and Joanne Solem 

Leslie Spencer 

Debbie Spoehel 

Phillip Stauble 

Strausman Family Fund Inc. 

Thomas and Elizabeth Stults 

Don Swenholt and Kristina Harper 

Triangle Community Foundation 

Becky Tucker 

Underwood Conservation District 

Amanda and Max van Adrichem 

Virginia’s United Land Trusts 

David and Ellen Wagner 

Glen A. Westenskow 

Michael and Leslie Whalen 

Michael Whitehill 

Jay and Louisa Winthrop 

Ryan Wise and Leslie Brunner 

Thomas F. Yohe 

Barbara Young and Carol Bowman 

Estate Gifts

Joanne M. Ball 

Mark D. Barrows 

June M. Clase 

Elmer J. Dreher 

Douglas I. Evans 

Thomas Ryan 

Fay E. Tolman 

Amelia H. Weber 


$1 Million +

Anonymous (3) 

The Allerton Foundation 

Holdfast Collective 

Jefferson Barracks Marine Service 

The JPB Foundation 

Knobloch Family Foundation 

Mt. Cuba Center, Inc. 

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 

Richard King Mellon Foundation 

Brad and Shelli Stanback 

Fred and Alice Stanback Jr. 

Wildlife Conservation Network 

WoodNext Foundation 


$500,000 – $999,999 


BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation 

Capital Region Land Conservancy 

Mark Dexter and Deborah Cowley 

The Duke Endowment 

EJK Foundation 

William B. Harrison 

Mysun Charitable Foundation 

Timothy D. Sweeney 

U-Haul International 

William Josef Foundation 

World Wildlife Fund 

W.R. Holdings LLC 


$100,000 – $499,999 

Anonymous (5) 

Brunckhorst Foundation 

Bunting Family Foundation 

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation 

Cloonlara-Hughes Partnership LLLP 

Dogwood Health Trust 

The Dow Chemical Co. 

Felburn Foundation 

Donald Ferlow 

Gallogly Family Foundation 

Jean McBride Greene 

Head and Heart Foundation 

Heart of the Rockies 

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation 

Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation 

Imperiled Bat Conservation Fund 

Dave H. Johnston 

Craig Lombard 

Mary Catherine Bunting Foundation 

Morrough Obrien Living Trust 

Thruston Morton III and Patricia Morton 

The Nature Conservancy 

The Nature Conservancy of Indiana 

Oak Foundation 

Oregon Community Foundation 

Partnership for Inclusive Innovation 

Rasmuson Foundation 

Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust 

Sewell Partners LLC 

Robert and Elizabeth Shaw 

Shell Oil Co. 

Stifler Family Foundation 

Surdna Foundation 

TennGreen Land Conservancy 

Virginia Outdoors Foundation 

Richard W. and Martha G. Wagner

Smith Reynolds Foundation

ZYN Cares Fund 

$5,000 – $9,999 

Anonymous (3)  

Alnor Oil Co. Inc. 

Debbie J. Bailly 

Stephen and Ann Bartram 

John R. Baylor 

Sabin and Gladys Bernstein 

Robert F. Bonnie 

Elizabeth S. Bowles 

Winifred Breines 

Brownington Foundation 

Stanley D. and Susan B. Casto

Storey Charbonnet

Amit Chowdhary 

Bill Chudd and Gretchen Hoffmann 

Joe Clark 

Karen A. Cohn 

Ruth M. Colket 

Consumers Energy Co. 

Kimberlee S. Cornett 

Theiline W. Cramer 

Alex Crumbley 

Curlew Castings LLC 

Judy Danish and Miles Greenbaum 

Pam Davis 

Dell Technologies 

Marcy W. Elsbree 

Douglas I. Evans 

Lawrence and Stephanie Flinn 

Richard Frisbie 

Mitchell Goetze 

David Harrison and Joyce Millen 

M.E. Harrison 

Clarice P. Hayes 

Todd W. Hoffman

Diane Holm

Jean M. Howard 

Jane M. Hughes 

LouAnn Jacobson and Robert Ball 

John Johns and Nancy Dunlap 

Andrew Karellas 

John and Judith Keller 

Kristen LaCroix 

James H. Lemon Jr. 

Donald L. Lendle 

Live Oak Foundation 

Philip and Carol Lyons 

John W. Madigan 

Joe and Darlene Marushack 

Mrs. William C. Miller IV 

Philip and Linda Myers 

Naylor Family Foundation 

NobleLight Foundation 

Robert Pakko 

Sally Pian and Ira Silverman 

Martin and Elizabeth Presler-Marshall 

Jacqueline Ratner 

Barbara Reece 

William and Vina Riley 

Inga H. Robbins 

Jeffrey Robins and Mai Yee 

Mr. Olof Röstlund and Dr. Emily Röstlund 

Robert Rothhouse 

Robert and Louise Sanborn 

Peter and Lisa Schiff 

SEAT Planners 

John Albert Severson

LaVerne Smith and Rick Trois

Robert and Joanne Solem 

Leslie Spencer 

Debbie Spoehel 

Phillip Stauble 

Strausman Family Fund Inc. 

Thomas and Elizabeth Stults 

Don Swenholt and Kristina Harper 

Triangle Community Foundation 

Becky Tucker 

Underwood Conservation District 

Amanda and Max van Adrichem 

Virginia’s United Land Trusts 

David and Ellen Wagner 

Glen A. Westenskow 

Michael and Leslie Whalen 

Michael Whitehill 

Jay and Louisa Winthrop 

Ryan Wise and Leslie Brunner 

Thomas F. Yohe 

Barbara Young and Carol Bowman 

$50,000 – $99,999 

Anonymous (4) 

Thomas M. Belk Jr. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kenton R. Brown 

Charles Reed Cherington and Ashley S. Pettus 

Common Market Philadelphia 

C&S Wholesale Grocers 

Roderick H. and Verena B. Cushman 

Fair Play Foundation 

Wendy L. Garthwaite 

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation 

James and Lauren Whitehurst Family Charitable Trust 

Suzie and Bruce Kovner 

LuluMa Foundation 

Lux Foundation Inc. 

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation 

Silverberry LLC 

The Spurlino Foundation 

SVPR Holdings LLC 

Daniel and Sheryl Tishman 

Trott Family Philanthropies 

David and Rachel Weidman 


$10,000 – $49,999 

Anonymous (7) 

America’s Charities 

Americans for Our Heritage and Recreation 

David H. Anderson 

Pete and Elizabeth Anthony 

Appalachian Trail Conservancy 

Michael and Susan Arneson 

ATL Airport Chamber of Commerce 

Anne H. Averett 

Julie G. Barker 

Riley and Susan Bechtel 

Roger A. Bell 

Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation 

James Bodner and Victoria Greenfield 

Christina A. Boothe and Paul D. Kazilionis 

The BPB and HBB Foundation 


Dinah Buechner-Vischer 

The Cannon Foundation Inc. 

Eric L. Carlton 

Todd and Susan Carter 

Gordon Chaffee and Nancy Kedzierski 

Jean L. Churchman 

Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin 

ConocoPhillips Alaska 

Laurie and Brian Conroy 

Cox Foundation 

Gordon S. Crabtree 

Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation 

Danem Foundation 

David and Diana Andrews Foundation 

Deborah K. Heebner Fund of the Alaska Community Foundation 

Warren Dickinson 

Nick And Martina Dilks 

Robert and Jennifer Dix 

Earl M. and Margery C. Chapman Foundation 

Marshall Field V 

John & Weezie Gates Charitable Trust  

Genesis Energy 

George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation 

Russell Goldenberg 

Robert S. and Gail K. Green 

Guardians of Martin County Inc. 

Paul Hagen and Christine Jahnke 

Harold and Kate Reed Family Foundation 

Vaughan H. Hedrick 

Jennifer L. Hernandez 

Margaret M. Hixon 

HM Life Insurance Co. 

Christian G. Hooper 

John Huddleston and Suzanne Potente 

Wilson and Nancy Hughes 

$10,000 – $49,999 

IMC Foundation – Amsterdam 

Jacobs Joint Venture 

David Jenkins 

Jupiter Island Historical Society 

Stan R. Justice 

The Kay Family Foundation 

Lorraine Kayser 

John L. Keane 

Mavis P. and Wendy W. Kelsey 

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation 

The Konar Family 

Mrs. Nicholas Lapham 

Leibowitz Family Foundation 

Louden Family Foundation 

James and Karen MacFarland 

Kenzie MacIsaac 

Mahoosuc Land Trust 

Maine Mountain Collaborative 

Judith Mancheski 

Mark and Sally Egan Foundation 

Barry Martin and Lee Nettke-Martin 

The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation Inc. 

The McCausland Foundation 

William McClure 

Greg McCourt 

Edmund and Pam McIlhenny 

Marian Brownlee S. McKee 

Ruth C. Mead 

The Miller Family Trust 

Peter C. and Martha F. Morse 

MTE Fund 

MZ Wallace 

The Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation 

National Fuel Gas Co. 

National Park Foundation 

Donald Newcomb 

The Nicholls Biondi Foundation 

Nivin and Duncan MacMillan Foundation 

Overhills Foundation 

Barbara E. Parish and Gary Roberts 

Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation 

Bonnie Pence 

Marca van Ogtrop Piehuta 

Pigeon River Fund 

Ronald W. Plank 

Chase Raines 

Scott and Genie Randell 

Robert D. Rands 

Joshua Ratner and Hannah Koenker 

Regenerative Agriculture Foundation 

R.K. Mellon Family Foundation 

The Robertson Foundation 

Decker and Jessica Rolph 

Sacharuna Foundation 

Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust 

Eleanor R. Seaman 

S.D. Trombetta Foundation 

Shield-Ayres Foundation 

Siebenthaler Foundation 

Silver Bay Seafoods 

Mary Ellen Stachnik 

Gary Steinhafel and Jocelyn Servick 

The Stokes Family 

John and Suzanne Strawbridge 

Sid and Pam Suggs, Suggs Family Foundation 

The Taheri Foundation 

TC Energy – U.S. Liquids Operations 

Owen D. and Jennifer B. Thomas 

TIF Foundation Fund 

Tillotson-Menlo Charitable Foundation 

Tim and Karen Hixon Foundation 

T.L.L. Temple Foundation 

Paul J. Volpe 

Jay and Sue Wagley 

Wallace Genetic Foundation 

Wells Fargo Foundation 

Winkler Family Foundation 

Chris and Lisa Young 

Photo credits (from top of page): Ian Shive, Ian Shive, Addison Hill, Stacy Funderburke, Ian Shive, Ian Shive, Ian Shive

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