Tom Duffus

Vice President and Northeast Representative

Tom provides leadership for our land conservation work in the northeastern U.S., primarily in Maine and New York, as well as Canadian partnerships. Tom was formerly our land conservation leader in the upper Midwest (2005 to 2015) and chaired our Conservation Loans Committee. Tom works closely with our Working Forest team across the Northern Forests.

Tom has worked in land conservation since 1985, conserving over 685,000 acres of land and raising significant sums of private, mitigation and public funds for land conservation. He has extensive experience conserving forestland, as well as farm, recreation, endangered species, Tribal and wilderness lands, and is an experienced conservation easement practitioner. He was formerly a commissioner on the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Prior to coming to The Conservation Fund in 2005, Tom worked for The Nature Conservancy in New York and Minnesota and the Adirondack Land Trust. He holds a Master of Forest Science degree from The Forest School at Yale School of the Environment.

Tom is an accomplished competitive bagpiper, Eagle Scout and holds a U.S. Coast Guard Captain’s License. He lives in Maine.




Focus Areas

Land Conservation

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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