Amelia Matthews

Transaction Specialist

Amelia is the Transactions Specialist with The Conservation Fund. She joined The Conservation Fund in 2007 and focuses on real estate transactions in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Midwest, and Southeast. Amelia also enjoys working with the Chicago-area Farms Fund team on food security issues and with the Mitigation Solutions team on climate and clean energy solutions across the country.

Amelia graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and earned her J.D. from the University of Baltimore School of Law. Amelia is a member of the Maryland Bar, a sustainer with the Junior League of Annapolis, and serves as a board member of the Greater Annapolis Ballet and the Scenic Rivers Land Trust. She lives in Annapolis and enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and their 4-year old daughter.




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Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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