Conserving Pleasant River Headwaters Forest in Maine

We helped sustain local mills — while improving habitat and keeping the area open to the public for recreation.

Quick Facts


metric tons of CO2e stored


gallons of precipitation filtered per year


miles of rivers and streams protected


forest-related jobs retained

Pleasant River Headwaters Forest is one of the last remaining large, unprotected forest blocks in Maine’s 100-Mile Wilderness. The protection of this nearly 27,000-acre property, which surrounds a beautiful but arduous section of the Appalachian Trail located in the heart of the North Woods near Moosehead Lake, is a top priority for The Conservation Fund and for our partner the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC).

Our Role

TCF purchased Pleasant River Headwaters Forest in Piscataquis County, Maine, through our Working Forests program for $18.5 million from Conservation Resources LLC. Throughout our temporary ownership, we will sustainably manage the property, giving AMC time to raise the remaining $10 million needed to bring the working forestland into permanent ownership and protection and an additional $5 million for stewardship of the land.

As part of Working Forests — which utilizes and recycles bridge capital in order to protect large, ecologically and economically important forestland from fragmentation — Pleasant River Headwaters Forest will sustain local and regional mills while simultaneously improving habitat, generating perpetual returns to support the land and remaining open to the public for recreation.

Why This Project Matters

Pleasant River Headwaters Forest is a keystone tract in Maine’s North Woods — the “hole in the doughnut,” according to AMC. Permanent conservation of this property will ensure it always remains a forest and that the west and middle branches of the Pleasant River, which serve as a critical designated habitat for Atlantic salmon and native brook trout, are forever safeguarded.

Maine’s vast forests, along with its coasts, rivers and mountains define the state’s way of life. Keeping the Pleasant River Headwaters Forest property as a working forest will ensure a permanent conservation solution that meets the needs of people, protects wildlife habitat and provides economic benefits to the region now and into the future.

We Need Your Help

The Conservation Fund is actively raising funds for a permanent conservation solution for these lands. For more information about how you can support the conservation of Pleasant River Headwaters Forest, please contact Rachael Joiner.

Photo credits (from top of page): Jerry Monkman

Project Staff

Tom Duffus
Vice President and Northeast Representative

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