Jennifer Blattman

GIS Manager

Jennifer joined The Conservation Fund in 2017 as a Midwest Conservation Associate to provide mapping and analysis for mitigation and real estate projects in the Midwest. She eventually began providing GIS services across the Fund. In 2018, she created the GIS Team to foster better communication and collaboration with GIS users across the Fund. In 2022, she completed a GIS assessment to address the mapping, data management and GIS service issues identified by the GIS Team.

Since the beginning of 2023 she has been implementing the GIS Roadmap outlined in the TCF 2022 Assessment report to create a central GIS Department, improve mapping capacity and develop a data management strategy. She is currently managing the Fund’s ArcGIS Online account, administering data, groups, content, applications and collaborations. She provides mapping, analysis and GIS services for non-GIS staff while also offering tech support, on-boarding, demos and training to GIS staff. She is also managing the Historic Project Database, consisting of a geodatabase containing all TCF historic projects. She administers the data through ArcGIS Online and provides to staff through multiple Esri applications including ArcPro, web maps, web apps and dashboards. She collaborates with GIS users at the Fund, as well as outside consultants and partners, to compile and create project data, which is being used for mapping, analysis and calculating metrics.

Throughout her career she has worked with all levels of government and many communities to foster recreation opportunities, environmental conservation, and natural resource protection. She has used her GIS mapping, analysis, and management skills to further these efforts.

Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a Secondary Major in Natural Resources and Environmental Science from Kansas State University and a Master of Science from North Carolina State University. She enjoys tree identification and trail hikes.




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