Justin Nickelson

Georgia Farms Fund Program Manager

Justin serves as the Georgia Farms Fund Program Manager, where he plays a crucial role in guiding farm businesses through their growth and transition to larger production scales and land ownership. His efforts are centered on enhancing the sustainability and success of both farm enterprises and conserved farmland. In this capacity, he oversees property management and fosters strategic partnerships, identifying opportunities for technical assistance, training and funding. Additionally, he acts as a liaison, connecting farm businesses with local, state and federal agricultural resources.

Justin is a practiced urban agriculture professional and creative strategist in programmatic design and relationship building. His tertiary education in architectural design from Howard University has led to developing skills supporting international site design and development. Justin’s professional experience spans across the fields of urban agriculture, public policy, grants management, event facilitation and food service, focusing on local food production and procurement, education and consultancy and community engagement.

A passion for sustainable living practices, community outreach and environmental stewardship fuels Justin’s work and service. Prior to his urban agricultural and green infrastructure endeavors, his community engagement has been rooted in the arts and entertainment spaces throughout Southwest Atlanta, curating and hosting events and performing as a multi-instrumentalist/music producer with a focus in music as a social change agent.




Focus Areas

Farms , Working Lands

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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