Naomi Harris

Director of Human Resources

Naomi oversees the Fund’s Human Resources team whose functions include recruiting, hiring, onboarding and offboarding, benefits administration, personnel records management, compliance and reporting, performance management and employee relations. Naomi also currently serves as the co-chair of the Fund’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

Naomi joined The Conservation Fund in 2019. Prior to joining the Fund, Naomi worked in human resources at a large, national NGO and in the HR practice area of a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm.

Naomi has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park, and an M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from The George Washington University.



Headquarters (Arlington, VA)

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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