2020 Conservation Banking Webinar Series

This 8-part webinar series is designed to provide an introduction to foundational topics related to conservation banking for endangered species and habitat recovery, as well as joint authority programs that mitigate for impacts to wetlands and streams.


Conservation banking is a tool to conserve endangered, threatened, and other at-risk species and their habitat that reduces risks associated with and increases the success of compensatory mitigation.

How to View Webinars

This series is intended for anyone interested in learning more about conservation and joint authority mitigation banking. We encourage people to view all of the webinars to gain a comprehensive understanding of conservation banking and how all the topics relate to each other.

For each webinar listed below, click on theWATCH WEBINAR’ link for the video recording.


Webinar 1: The Market & Regulatory Drivers for Conservation Banking

This webinar provides an overview of environmental markets and the drivers for Conservation Banking as a market-based tool.

Watch Webinar



Webinar 2: Banking Perspectives: The Business of Buying & Selling Credits

This webinar provides an overview of the business of compensatory mitigation banking with insight into the risks that factor into the decision to sponsor a bank.

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Webinar 3: Setting the Stage for Success: Strategic Site Selection & Durable Site Protection Mechanisms

This webinar provides an overview of regulatory guidance for selecting mitigation sites and reviews the suite of site protection mechanisms needed to minimize risk and create durable and successful mitigation banks.

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Webinar 4: Operation & Management of Banks: The Role of Mitigation Review Teams & Banking Partners

This webinar provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of the mitigation review team (MRT) and other banking partners during the instrument development, implementation, and management phases of a bank.

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Webinar 5: Service Area & Credit Determination: Balancing Ecological & Economic Factors

This webinar provides a nuts and bolts review of how the type and number of credits are determined for a bank and how the extent of the service area is determined.

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Webinar 6: Long-Term Management & Stewardship: Roles & Requirements for the Bank After it Closes

This webinar discusses the roles and responsibilities of bank sponsors and long-term stewards in developing and implementing management plans and the stewardship funding mechanism(s) needed to ensure continued mitigation compliance.

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Webinar 7: Alternatives to Conservation Banking (Part I) – Emerging Applications of Multiple Authority Mitigation

This webinar features a survey of emerging applications of multiple authority mitigation to support the recovery of species and habitats in new and exciting ways.

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Webinar 8: Alternatives to Conservation Banking (Part II) – Programmatic Approaches To Mitigation

This webinar includes an in-depth look at programmatic approaches such as In-Lieu Fee (ILF) programs and how they are different than banks and when to use them.

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Thank You to Our Partners

This webinar series is sponsored by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Department of Agriculture, and Federal Highway Administration with supporting partnership from the Bureau of Land Management, US Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Ecological Restoration Business Association.

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