Working Lands

Thriving farms and sustainable timber forests support thriving economies, communities and nature and wildlife. But America’s forests and farmland are disappearing at an alarming rate.

Advancing Working Land

For countless generations, working land has created jobs, sustained communities and generated economic growth. The Conservation Fund is keeping those working lands working, advancing our unique vision for conservation in which land is protected so it can preserve the natural environment and contribute to the economic vitality of its neighboring community.

TCF was founded on the idea that environmental protection and economic vitality depend on and reinforce each other. Economic growth without environmental protection is unsustainable, and environmental protection without economic growth is unsupportable. For 40 years, TCF’s strategy of buying at-risk land, and successfully reselling it forward to ensure it is managed for climate, communities and habitat outcomes has worked across the country.

Working Farms

We advance small and midsized farming by protecting the farmland most at risk of being lost to development the farms near our big cities and working to connect family farmers with land and local markets to make their businesses profitable and successful.

Working Forests

We advance working forests across America by securing and preserving intact our vast, at-risk timberlands and ensuring that timber can be sustainably and profitably harvested forever.

Photo credits (from top of page): Jerry Monkman, Addison Hill, Jay Brittain

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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