Corporate Partnerships

Smart conservation and sound economic outcomes go hand in hand, and by working with businesses we can accomplish just that — measurable, lasting results for conservation and communities that support the people and places they serve.

America’s sustainable future depends on healthy lands, waters and people. Together, we can make that future possible. Here’s how:

Mission-Related Support

Unrestricted financial gifts are donations that provide us with the most flexibility to advance our dual mission of environmental protection and economic development, and we can use them where they are needed most.

Gifts to our general fund are the best tool to help us accelerate the pace of conservation nationwide. A corporate donation of $1 million or more would allow your company to designate certain geographic or thematic restrictions to the types of projects you would like to support.

Restricted gifts provide businesses the opportunity to select priority projects from our mission-related programs to meet their corporate goals. There are numerous opportunities for alignment within our four focus areas of Land Conservation, Working Lands, Communities and Climate & Clean Energy. Partners that have taken advantage of this opportunity include Volkswagen, TC Energy and Dow Chemical.

Brand Partnerships

The Conservation Fund works with companies to create unique opportunities to achieve lasting conservation impacts while elevating brand value. Cause-related marketing and commercial co-ventures are among the opportunities we have created for businesses to financially sponsor conservation-driven work and spread the word through collaborative marketing efforts about our partnership and impact.* Partners in this space include Dell Technologies, Zyrtec, U-Haul and Volkswagen.

Partnering with VW To Restore Forests and Empower Local Communities

Donations of Real Estate

Our Giftlands program enables businesses to donate land with no conservation value that we can use to build our pool of capital.

Impact Investing

The Conservation Fund offers a range of investment products to allow businesses to maximize the impact of their dollars directed toward conservation while also contributing to environmental, social and governance goals.

Mitigation Solutions

We are experts in identifying ways to compensate for your natural or cultural resource impacts from business operations. These include compensatory mitigation solutions or the design and delivery of programs for positive community outcomes.


Matt Jagnow
Senior Director, Corporate Philanthropy

* For projects involving the donation of a percentage of proceeds from a commercial activity (e.g., Earth Day, Giving Tuesday, Product Launch), these require commercial registration with a state and are subject to minimum donations. Reference:

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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