

Give the gift of land as part of our Giftlands program.

About Giftlands

Giftlands are donated properties — most often without any conservation value — that we can use to support our conservation work. Our Giftlands program provides a unique opportunity for businesses, foundations, family offices and others to donate surplus real estate and directly advance our efforts to conserve America’s most vital lands and waters.

How Giftlands Benefit You

  • Giftland properties can be donated to The Conservation Fund (a 501c3) and are fully tax deductible, per the IRS.
  • Our Giftlands program is strategically positioned to help our business partners achieve some of their environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, while simultaneously addressing strategic divestment needs.
  • Giftland donations help aid financial performance with cash flow and asset returns on nonperforming real estate assets.

How Giftlands Benefit America’s Lands and Waters

  • When we sell the Giftlands, proceeds are added to our pool of funds that provides ready capital for the purchase of lands and waters of high conservation value. This most often occurs when our federal or state partners are awaiting government funding. We step in and buy the land until they can pay us back.
  • The funds are continually in use for conservation, and upon repayment, we place the money back into our capital pool. Every dollar is used to acquire more land—no overhead, no administrative expenses. In this way, our funds are always working for conservation.

Results to Date

Since our founding in 1985, The Conservation Fund has completed 145 Giftland projects generating nearly $100 million of purchasing power. We have accepted a wide array of properties — raw land, mineral and water interests, farmlands and timberlands, partial ownership interests, office buildings, factories, residential estates, going concerns, brownfields and coal mining facilities.

We can focus your donation on specific regions or geographies with a Giftlands donation of $1 million or more.



Photo credits (from top of page): Jerry Monkman

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

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