Hydropower Relicensing and Land Disposal

In 1955, Pennsylvania Power and Light (PPL) took over ownership the Holtwood hydropower facility and management of more than 5,000 acres in the vicinity as the Holtwood Environmental Preserve located on the lower Susquehanna River. The lands and facilities included housing for its employees as well as public recreation facilities. PPL wanted to reduce its land assets associated with the Holtwood dam at the same time the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was relicensing the dam to increase capacity. FERC required that PPL show public benefit in reducing the lands held within the Holtwood project boundaries.

The Conservation Solution

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, The Conservation Fund, Lancaster County Conservancy and a strong coalition of conservation partners created a solution to this issue by acquiring the lands from PPL at fair market value. PPL then donated the proceeds of the land sale to fund the long-term management and stewardship costs of the permanent conservation owners

Outcome Highlights


The project resulted in 1,800 acres divested by PPL to be used for public recreation. Conservation of these lands enhanced the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay and protected roosting and migration sites for avian species such as the bald eagle. The property offers sweeping vistas of the Susquehanna River. Recreational visitors are drawn to the commanding view from the Pinnacle and the deep ravines, waterfalls and caves of Kelly’s Run and Tucquan Glen. Two popular hiking trails traverse the properties: the Conestoga trail and the Mason-Dixon trail.


The Holtwood dam provides 253 megawatts annually — enough to satisfy the electric consumption needs for 227,700 homes.

Photo credits (from top of page): Dlthewave


Nick Morgan
Director, Mitigation Solutions
Greg Good
Senior Program Manager
Heather Richards
Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Region and Virginia Director

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