Conserving Land in Missouri's Mark Twain National Forest

With this project, we protected water quality, forest habitat for animal and plant species, and the land’s natural beauty.

Located in southern and central Missouri, Mark Twain National Forest stretches across 29 counties and encompasses 1.5 million acres of beautiful public land characterized by abundant caves, rocky barren glades, forested hills, old volcanic mountains and over 350 miles of permanent and pristine streams. Containing both wilderness areas and working forests, Missouri’s only national forest features more than 750 miles of trails for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking and motorized use.

The Conservation Fund, in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), has helped protect more than 2,000 acres of land at Mark Twain National Forest. A major focus of our conservation efforts has been the protection of properties along a 16-mile stretch of the Current River, which traverses the national forest across southern Missouri’s picturesque Ozark foothills, north of Doniphan.

The American Bird Conservancy provided critical financial support through a grant that allowed The Conservation Fund and the USFS to work with seven landowners to protect and preserve crucial lands along the river. “Without this support we could not have covered the costs of property inspections, appraisals and legal work to buy and transfer the land to the U.S. Forest Service from willing sellers interested in leaving a conservation legacy,” said Clint Miller, Midwest project director for TCF.

Protecting the Current River

Thanks to a partnership between the T.L. Wright Lumber Company, the USFS and The Conservation Fund, one of the largest remaining undeveloped areas of river frontage in the entire Current River Valley will be permanently protected.

Owned by the T.L. Wright Lumber Company since the early 1900s, the 185-acre property along the Current River was once part of the company’s gravel and forestry operations. The company supplied bridge and highway construction projects, including the Current River Bridge at Doniphan. According to Randolph Maness, a Doniphan attorney who represents the company, “The Wright family has long been dedicated to the vision of a preserved view of our beautiful river from the bridge at Doniphan, and now that’s been assured.”

In 2016, TCF purchased the property, including nearly 3 miles of frontage along the Current River. Using funding from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and capital made available by Enbridge Pipelines LLC to provide mitigation to the Flanagan South Pipeline construction, we conveyed the property to the USFW to become part of Mark Twain National Forest.

“The scenic, cultural and natural assets of the Current River attract and inspire outdoor lovers of all ages,” said Miller. “By protecting the T.L. Wright lands, we will help to ensure public access and water quality, which is essential for tourism and healthy communities along the river.”

Plans for future public access will be determined by the USFS with input from local communities.

Improving Access at Piney Creek Wilderness Area

In April 2018, TCF and the USFS announced the purchase and protection of 229 acres near Shell Knob that will provide enhanced public access to the Piney Creek Wilderness. Located within Mark Twain National Forest, this addition features a ridgetop field that provides one of the highest elevations in the area — 1,382 feet — overlooking a wide portion of the wilderness area and views of nearby Table Rock Lake. With funding from LWCF, the conserved land along County Road 2190 offers an ideal site for a new, enhanced trailhead and additional parking for hikers, horseback riders, hunters, photographers and other outdoor enthusiasts.

Why This Project Matters

The ultimate conservation of this property will help protect water quality and important groundwater recharge areas, forest habitat for animal and plant species, and the scenic and natural beauty of the Current River for river-based recreation that benefits local communities. Popular recreational activities along the river include canoeing, fishing, horseback riding and camping.

Our family has always loved the river and we are proud of the contribution to conserve it that this transfer ensures. We want future generations, both local residents and tourists, to enjoy the same river that we care about.”
Jan Truebner

President, Wright Company (and daughter of T.L. Wright Jr.)

Photo credits (from top of page): Justin Bailie

Project Staff

Clint Miller
Vice President, Central Midwest Region and Missouri Director

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