Farmer Resources


The Farms Fund makes it more affordable to own and invest in the most important part of a farm business — land.

We are saving threatened farmland and ensuring that your growing farm businesses can flourish on that land. Farmers who are ready to expand their farm business will work with the Farms Fund to achieve landownership in three to five years. This patient pathway to land ownership allows farmers to invest in their business while gradually working toward purchase of the land.

Are you a farmer?

Are you ready to reach scale to meet demand? Are you looking to scale your operations and take the next step towards ownership?

Farmers in the Farms Fund have support from The Conservation Fund and a network of farm resource partners who will invest in:

  • Access to farmland at an affordable farming value
  • A patient pathway to farmland ownership through a lease-to-own model
  • Support in identifying and applying for farm business tools and federal programs
  • Access to new and emerging markets
  • Time to focus on investment in farm infrastructure and growing the farm business

Do you want to learn more? Complete our Farmer Survey and we will be in touch.

The Farms Fund is currently being piloted in Atlanta, Chicago, and Charlotte, NC. If your farm is serving another metro market, you are welcome to complete the survey—we will keep your information on file for future pilots, and it helps us to know which geographies have interested farmers.

Farmers are really competing against people who are going to draw a lot of capital from this land, for strip malls or big housing developments. Our cash value is slow and long over time. That’s how the Farms Fund is giving a leg up to farmers like me. ”
Demetrius Milling

25-year-old farmer, Atlanta, GA

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