Protecting the Historic Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River

Threatened by development for decades, this crown jewel of Virginia has immense significance for the surrounding environment and for American history.

In 1608, during Captain John Smith’s exploration of the Chesapeake Bay, he was ambushed by the Rappahannock atop Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River. The tribe’s villagers atop the cliffs signaled to the warriors lying in wait in the marsh across the river from the cliffs. The Rappahannock then emerged from the marsh and ambushed the explorer and his crew. Although Smith’s ships were able to pass through unharmed, Fones Cliffs became a staple of Rappahannock history and will forever be remembered for the tribe’s dedication to preserving their sacred land.

Today, 252 acres of Fones Cliffs have been officially protected as part of the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge; the area will remain unhindered by development and open to the public.

Our Role

After more than 10 years — and efforts from many partners — The Conservation Fund was able to successfully purchase the 252-acre Fones Cliffs property from a private landowner who had gained approval for more than 40 houses atop the cliffs. We then transferred the property in 2019 to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  so it could remain under the agency’s management as part of the refuge. Thanks to funding from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, as well as the support of many partners, this Fones Cliffs property now supports greater opportunity for public recreation and helps preserve the value this land has to the Rappahannock Tribe and Virginia community.

Why This Project Matters

Ensuring that Fones Cliffs remained protected and open to the public was the only acceptable result for this decade-long effort. Aside from the Rappahannock’s 1608 encounter with Smith, Fones Cliffs was also home to three Rappahannock towns: Pisacack, Matchopeak and Mecuppon. Now, the Rappahannock Tribe will be able to use this property to educate future generations about the importance of the land, and visitors can come to hike, see wildlife and enjoy the truly indescribable beauty of the cliffs.

An aerial image of Fones Cliffs in the summer with green trees and the Rappahannock River flowing in the foreground
Photo credit: Harlow Chandler III

But Fones Cliffs isn’t just rich with history and great views. It is one of the most pristine locations on the East Coast to view bald eagles. The eagles use the property’s high elevation to survey the river for hunting opportunities, and it is not uncommon to see up to 400 eagles along this stretch of river. Even when populations were at their lowest, bald eagles could still be found here. As part of the refuge, habitat for eagles and other wildlife will remain under the USFWS’s permanent protection.

Photo credits (from top of page): Harlow Chandler III

Project Staff

Heather Richards
Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Region and Virginia Director

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