New York


From the ancient Adirondacks to the Hudson and Delaware river valleys, New York’s landscapes define the state. Forests, mountains, wild rivers and vast agricultural areas give life to a flourishing natural resource economy – all within hours of dense populations in the east. For over 35 years, we’ve worked to ensure these landscapes are sustained by collaborating with local partners to conserve land and water across the Empire State.

River with green algae and plants with fall colored trees on either side
acres of land and water saved across 76 projects
acres protected in the Adirondack Park
leveraged in loans to local land trusts under the Conservation Loans program

State Leads

Tom Duffus
Vice President and Northeast Representative

More Projects

Photo credits (from top of page): Carl Heilman II

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

Close up of white fungi