

Wyoming is home to a landscape unlike any other. The state features captivating mountain views at Grand Teton National Park, geothermal wonders in Yellowstone, and an expansive terrain of ranchlands and wide-open prairies. Our efforts in Wyoming protect vital wildlife habitats, conserve ecologically significant lands, and steward the state’s natural resources to ensure both environmental health and economic vitality for the future.

Herd of elk grazing with mountains in the background
acres of land and water saved
acres preserved with the Forest Service
acres protected though the Conservation Loans program

State Leads

Mark Elsbree
Senior Vice President, Western Region

More projects

Photo credits (from top of page): Mark Gocke

Make a Difference

Help protect America's priceless natural landscapes and ensure that we have healthy environments, places to work and play, and real economic opportunity.

Close up of white fungi